Get a Ham Radio License USA

Super Fast Path (for the impatient, only 2 steps):

  1. Memorize the answers to the Technician Class license pool.
  2. Find and take the Technician Class exam at a location near you.
    • NEW! Take your test online!
    • Or go to a test site: Use the ARRL search to find a test time and location.
    • Bring $15 cash (or a check, not a credit card) and your ID on test day and a pen and a pencil!
    • You need at least 26 correct out of 35 questions to pass.
    • UPDATE / WARNING: You MUST get your free FRN number BEFORE you take your test!
      See Dave Casler’s FRN Video!
      See: The “FCC FRN account number in the ULS Database” system (every callsign you get in your life gets linked to your personal FRN account number, you must get your free FRN number now, before taking any test, later after you pass your first test, your actual future callsign will get linked under your FRN).

Next: With a Technician Class license, get a radio and get on the air!


  • Technician Class license (for folks just getting started)
    • Usually VHF/UHF walkie-talkies and/or mobile/base
    • Mostly “line of sight” range, like 1-50 miles
    • Use free/open “repeaters” to talk all over your city/area
    • Many join local ham clubs and talk/listen to “2 meter” nets
    • Linked repeaters and digital world-wide links city to city
    • Satellite and ISS (International Space Station)
  • General Class license (for folks wanting HF and POTA addiction!)
  • Extra Class license (highest class possible)
    • More frequencies can be used